
20070629/30/31/32/33- The Battle Plans Are Laid

A plan is afoot. Several plans really. Friday (??), Saturday (??), Sunday (??), Monday (??), Tuesday (??)...

Here's what we know so far:

  • Friday: tMail & the MPM hit Franconia. NO WAIT! change of Plans. It's OWL'S HEAD!
  • Saturday: mutha does something, MPM moves a pal.
  • Sunday: MPM & tMail in the Blue Hills (tMill as well?)
  • Monday: MPM, MadDog & mutha on the Carters?
  • Tuesday: Backup day for Monday's plan???
  • Tuesday: MadDog comes out of retirement (keerist, these plans are out of control!)
Is now a bad time to ask if anyone has thought about The Pemi Polka?


  1. Mutha what are your plans for Saturday just curious...

    Is there any preliminary talk of a two car set up on Monday?

  2. TIMMY! I wish I knew. It will be something, but having trouble picking a route. I'm thinking that the Crawford Path from the AMC facility on 302 up to Monroe and back again will be adequate mileage and opportunity for speed (my 'speed', not yours). I'll have to add it up, but it should be about 15mi.

  3. Interesting....keep the communication flying on the Blog...I may be a random show up at some of these Battles that we rage with ourselves.

    Going to talk to the MPM about Friday....Sunday is a definite DTBH.

    Are you doing anything Sunday?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Friday Update:

    MPM and Tmail are going to hit that filth of a mountain...Owl's Head. 18 mile day...miles of railbed a, a brook i will dive into, piece of shit summit, piece of shit name Owl's Head.

    If anyone wants to join us on this mindfuck please do.


  6. MZ,

    We are meeting at 6:30am at the park and ride in Methuen, I think we will be at Trail head by 8:45am...

    MZ weasel out "work" its your last day what you going to do besides sabatoge the mainframe..HAHA

  7. Okay. The snacks are packed, the little camel is ready and the GU will be a flowing on Friday. A good training trip on a SHIT peak... sweet! Maybe we'll traverse the extra 50yds to get to the "real" summit this time (f'em)

    What's this BS about Monday? I thought Tues was the hot date. I'm so confused that I'm going to go down stairs, plant my ass in front of the TV and think about how I can stay in T-Mail's jet stream on Friday.

    Sunday is the BHDT with T-mail and Treadmill and then Mon... or Tues is the unveiling of the beast they call "Mad Dog."

    Mmmmmmm..... butter.

  8. Yo,

    Bag is packed...contents include...clif bars, other food, sandwiches, gel, an extra shirt to change into for summit of Piece of Shit...

    3 liters of water....no poles

    Going with sleevless jersey, running shorts from race ready, 2 pairs of sucks and trail runners...

    MZ you going to make it?

  9. i sabotaged the mainframe and am now on the run from the law. i'm in for tomorrow. i'll be at the campground by 8:30.

    no poles. no sandwich. snacks, banana - but no sugar. hammer gel & electrolyte tabs. change of socks. no change of tops. 2L of water, and beverages in car.

    not sure of pack. may test drive hip belt.

    in all seriousness, you guys are fucking rockets. you guys set the pace and if i lag too far, i'll meet up w/ you on your way back.
