Jefferson and Adams, buh bye, you bitches
Well, we missed you guys. I'll let the PM weigh in on this, but I was really impressed by this day out. Sunny skies, winds dropping from 80mph down to the low 40's, temps rising from 0 to 10 degrees (3F at the car when we got back at around 6:30pm). We dragged our asses up and over the Cornice on the Castle Trail - a rocky cliff thing that would've made any sensible man turn back. The worst winds were on Adams.
We'll post pics and movies and such as soon as possible - I'm going to wait for the PM's pics to generate the website, but I'll tell you, there are a few beauties. We changed our exit strategy and took Lowe's path down in order to get into the trees by dark (the pic shown here is at sunset, 5:19pm, still above treeline on the Lowe's Path). It meant 9/10 mile trudge along/through a marsh and across a beaver dam to get back to the cars, but we made it.
We were above treeline for about 6 hours and every minute was a delight (except for the damage to our gear). I bent a pole and wore out my crampons (the holes in the hinge that the spring pin sits in). The PM busted a pole, busted a crampon, and busted a shoulder strap on his pack. Luckily we had duct tape, laces and straps so we got him fastened back together. I didn't eat my PB&J sandwich. It's now in the fridge.
More details to come.