
20070707: Kyudo, Osceolas & Tecumseh

While mutha spend the weekend learning Kyudo, tMail and Team Strong (treadmill, riree and the MPM Hymnself) tackled a blistering triple of both Osceolas and Tecumseh in wet, slippery weather. If they email me any photos I'll post them, otherwise this is a text-only entry.


  • mutha is hooked on Kyudo and will be joining a dojo.
  • tMail/Strong have logged another 18 miles of rugged White Mountain terrain.
Update 7/10: tMail's limited parking-lot pics are posted (Link). While it's not customary to post other people's pics when I wasn't able to attend, 18 miles is a long way to go and the pic of tMail (on the right, rendered in sepia-tone) was to great to pass up.


  1. All I can think of is the Cobra Kai Dojo in the Karate Kid...

    MZ when there is a big blowdown on the trail I want you breaking that thing into splinters with your hand....

  2. MZ....you have any adventures planned this weekend?
